

NSCC COGS Centre of Geographic Sciences commercial construction in Lawrencetown Nova Scotia

Centre of Geographic Sciences

  Return to Portfolio Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) NSCC Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia Scope of Work Fireproofing: MK-6, Monokote Fire Protection, GCP Applied Technologies COGS is home to Canada’s largest geomatics-focused learning environment where students and industry professionals are trained to launch and build mapping and information technology solutions. The construction of a 40-bed residence

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Memorial University Core Sciences building spray applied fireproofing

Core Science Facility

  Return to Portfolio Core Science Facility Memorial University Saint John’s, Newfoundland Scope of Work Fireproofing: MK-6 & Z-106, Monokote Fire Protection, GCP Applied Technologies The Core Science Facility, scheduled for completion in 2021, will provide modern research and laboratory teaching spaces primarily for the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Applied

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JL Ilsley High School construction in Halifax Nova Scotia commercial application steel beam fireproofing

JL Illsley

  Return to Portfolio JL Illsley High School Halifax, Nova Scotia Scope of Work Fireproofing: Z106HY, Monokote Fire Protection, GCP Applied Technologies This is the first school in Nova Scotia to be constructed using a collaborative design-build process. The end goal is to design and build a new school to replace the aging JL Ilsley

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